Motherboard – Asrock B660M-HDV DDR4

Original price was: 385,00 ₾.Current price is: 345,00 ₾.
Product code: 4355

Motherboard – Asrock B760M PG Riptide DDR5

Original price was: 510,00 ₾.Current price is: 470,00 ₾.
Product code: 5053

Motherboard – Asrock B760M-HDV DDR4

Original price was: 410,00 ₾.Current price is: 375,00 ₾.
Product code: 4354

Motherboard – Asrock Z690 Phantom Gaming DDR4

Original price was: 520,00 ₾.Current price is: 490,00 ₾.
Product code: 4350

Motherboard – Asrock Z690 Pro DDR4 GAMING

Original price was: 610,00 ₾.Current price is: 570,00 ₾.
Product code: 5051


2E AC120D4TC-ARGB Universal

Original price was: 145,00 ₾.Current price is: 105,00 ₾.
Product code: 5429

2E AC120ZP RGB Black

Original price was: 55,00 ₾.Current price is: 50,00 ₾.
Product code: 4975

AMD Ryzen 3 4C/8T 4100 3.8 MHz

Original price was: 350,00 ₾.Current price is: 320,00 ₾.

AMD Ryzen™ 3 4100 – 3.8 Ghz

Original price was: 365,00 ₾.Current price is: 325,00 ₾.
Product code: 4019

AMD Ryzen™ 5 1600 X – 3.2 Ghz

Original price was: 395,00 ₾.Current price is: 375,00 ₾.
Product code: 4017


AMD Ryzen 3 4C/8T 4100 3.8 MHz

Original price was: 350,00 ₾.Current price is: 320,00 ₾.

2E AC120D4TC-ARGB Universal

Original price was: 145,00 ₾.Current price is: 105,00 ₾.
Product code: 5429

Motherboard – Gigabyte B760 Gaming X AX Wi-Fi DDR5

Original price was: 680,00 ₾.Current price is: 655,00 ₾.
Product code: 5275

Motherboard – Msi Pro H510M-B DDR4

Original price was: 285,00 ₾.Current price is: 255,00 ₾.
პროდუქტის კოდი: 5082

Motherboard – Gigabyte H610M-K DDR4

Original price was: 325,00 ₾.Current price is: 275,00 ₾.
Product code: 5152

Online store electronics

We present to you a kind of table of contents of the brands located on the online store, to find the country of origin and manufacture of the brands. is constantly trying to update the range of existing suppliers on the one hand, and on the other hand to introduce new, world-famous or start-up brands to customers.

Since 2012, the entire team of the Itera online store has been taking care of presenting to you various reliable, high-quality and wide-ranging brands, and today their number is already close to 1000.

It is on this principle that we were the first to present Wellerman, Mannesmann, Kraft&Delle, Schpindel, Crown, Tolsen, Baltika, Super Max, Shmehel, Royal, Shany, Yato, Shtor, Lux Garden, RTR Max, Einhell, Termikel exclusively on the Internet market. , Carpro and other well-known companies today.

On this page you will find a complete list of our suppliers, sorted alphabetically.

* Due to technical reasons, some brands may not be included in the mentioned list. If you find something similar, please write to us or call us, we will provide you with detailed information about its origin and also add it to the mentioned table of contents.

* To see the countries of origin and production of the brands posted on iterra, click on this link: Brands